
“I am lucky to have had many amazing teachers and mentors, from grammar school all the way through graduate school. Myron Fiering introduced me to the field of OR. More importantly, he taught me to find joy and camaraderie in research. Cindy Barnhart not only taught me column generation, but also taught me that it IS possible to balance work and family life. And many others have shown me through their example that the best teachers are always continuing to learn. At UM, I have wonderful students who teach me something new every day.”

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ph.D. in Operations Research, June 2002
Research Advisor: Professor Cynthia Barnhart

Dissertation Title:
Composite Variable Modeling for Large-Scale Problems in Transportation and Logistic

Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts
A.B. magna cum laude in Applied Mathematics, June 1991
Research Advisor: Professor Myron Fiering

Thesis Title:
Multiple Organ Failure: A Model for Treatment Optimization