Lay Press

A. Cohn. “You Paid $400 for Your Flight. The Person Next to You Paid $250. Here’s Why That Makes Sense – and Benefits Everybody,” The New Republic November 2014.

A. Cohn. “Why Did Your Airline Cancel Your Flight Today? They Had a Very Good Reason,” The New Republic August 2014.

A. Cohn. “A Year Later, Tarmac-Delay Rule Needs Some Maintenance,” Business Travel News August 22, 2011.

A. Cohn. “Passenger Rights and Cancelled Flights,” The New York Times December 29, 2010:

A. Cohn. “Fines for Delays are Not Fixes,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, 172 (20): p. 66, May 24, 2010.

A.Cohn and P. Belobaba. “Still Stuck on the Tarmac: Why the ‘Passenger Bill of Rights’ is Wrong,”, posted August 13, 2009.