[Underline indicates a student author; * indicates an undergraduate.]
- McCarty, L. and A. Cohn. “Preemptive Rerouting of Airline Passenger under Uncertain Delays.” Under second review with Computers and OR.
- Lapp, M., A. Cohn, and S. Shebalov. “Methods for Improving Aircraft Maintenance Recovery.” Under second review with Computers and OR.
- Hong, Y. and A. Cohn. “A Time-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem with a Heterogeneous Fleet: Algorithms and Analysis.” Under review with Journal on Vehicle Routing Algorithms.
- Lemay, B., J. Castaing, R. Zidek, A. Cohn, and J. Cutler. “An Optimization-Based Approach for Small Satellite Download Scheduling, with Real-World Applications.” Under review with AIAA.
- Perelstein, E., A. Rose*, Y. Hong, A. Cohn, and M. Long. “Automation Improves Schedule Quality and Increases Scheduling Efficiency for Residents.” Revising for Journal of Graduate Medical Education.
- Reddy, R., T. Grenda, T. Ballard, A. Obi, W. Pozehl, F. Seagull, R. Chen, A. Cohn, and M. Daskin. “Simulation to Evaluate Residency Procedural Volume in an Era of Changing Technology.” Under review with Surgery.
- Reich, D., Y. Shi, M. Epelman, A.Cohn, E. Barnes, K. Arthurs, and E. Klampfl. “Scheduling Crash Tests at Ford Motor Company.” Under review for Wagner Prize (semi-finalist).
- Reich, D., Y. Shi, E. Klampf, M. Epelman, and A. Cohn. “An Analytical Approach to Prototype Vehicle Testing.” Revising for Omega.
- Schumacher, K., R. L. Chen, and A. Cohn. “Algorithm to Solve a Chance-Constrained Network Capacity Design Problem with Stochastic Demands with Finite Support.” Revising for Naval Research Logistics.
- Schumacher, K., R. L. Chen, and A. Cohn. “Transmission Expansion with Smart Switching under Demand Uncertainty and Line Failures.” Under second review with Energy Systems.